This is Dutch, a Moluccan Cockatoo who my ex felt was a great challenge.
Moluccan Cockatoo Dutch Picture
Dutch was really excitable and laughed a lot. Kids called him "Laughing Bird."
Moluccan Cockatoo Dutch Picture
Dutch stayed with us for a few months due to some behavioral problems
that were causing trouble when his humans were selling their home.
Moluccan Cockatoo Dutch Picture
He would do a high-pitched screech for hours and hours and many
times the neighbors had called the police to complain about it.
Moluccan Cockatoo Dutch Picture
Now they live somewhere where noise is no longer an issue.

It's important to realize that bringing a parrot or Cockatoo into your life is a life-long commitment. There are many people who buy into what a breeder or pet store tells them who have no idea what they'll be dealing with once their bird reaches maturity. The amount of birds in captivity winding up in rescues and shelters is astounding. Please watch the following video.

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